Betekenis van:
never-never land

never-never land
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • droomland
  • a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination



never-never land
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • dromenrijk, dromenland
  • a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination



never-never land
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • sprookjeswereld, toverwereld
  • a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination



never-never land
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • schijnwereld
  • a pleasing country existing only in dreams or imagination




never-never land


  1. The land had never been ploughed.
  2. He was never to see his native land again.
  3. They debated land reform but never carried it out.
  4. As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.
  5. Furthermore, one of the Chinese producers had never paid rent for the land use rights and benefited from bank guarantees provided free of charge by a third party.
  6. As the Court of Appeal in Amsterdam issued an order in April 2004 for implementation of the agreement to be suspended, the land has never been transferred pursuant to the agreement of 7 December 2001.
  7. This does not automatically mean that the Land has committed itself to Helaba ‘forever’ or can never again have at its disposal the funds comprised in the silent partnership.
  8. The private partners had never been actively involved in restructuring activities before and were not aware that they would only be able to purchase, sell and manage land and not permitted to be involved in other (investment) activities.
  9. ‘For the purposes of application of this paragraph, “land under a lease” shall mean land which was, at the time of, or after the purchase under a lease which has never been renewed except when the renewal was imposed by a legal obligation.’
  10. By letters of 28 October 2005 to the Municipal Executive and of 30 November 2005 to Den Nya Välfärden, Lidl confirmed that its SEK 6,6 million bid still stood and that it would be interested in participating in any tender for the land; During the whole investigation procedure, the Swedish authorities never questioned the credibility of Lidl’s bid;